Tuesday, January 17, 2012

There is a lot going on (aka: apology #8,273.9)

I feel like I am neglecting my first (fake) child by giving attention to my real child/ jobs/ life and I feel horrible for it. I have been writing recipes for The Sun lately though. They have me developing tailgate recipes for the Baltimore Ravens games. It's been a hell of a lot of fun and makes me wish that recipe development was my real job. Hopefully one day, but until then check them out:

Meatball subs: http://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/dining/bs-fo-tailgate-recipe-0113-20120112,0,4732205.story

Chili: http://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/dining/bs-fo-tailgate-recipe-1230-20111229,0,6567223.story

I have another on coming up this week. I hope it's not the last one because I like doing this but also because I want the Ravens to go to the Super Bowl (and beat Tom Brady on national TV). I'll post it as soon as it goes live.

I will feed this beast more and do what I can to get recipes cooking tips to you, my wonderful (and sexy might I add) readers.

Cheers and pickles,

Here's a photo of one of my favorite grilling dishes. This recipe will pop up with the spring flowers, but until then imagine how good it is (or just bother me so I'll post it early).