Thursday, June 27, 2024

Food News: The local Hooters is gone, Michelin guide Shenanigans, The McAtlas, and Stuffed Nuggets!!!

John and Evan talk about the best food news stories of the week. Stories about the Baltimore Hooters leaving for a good reason, the Michelin Guide makes you pay, a guy wrote a huge McDonalds book and theres a nugget company making a thing wwe thought should have been made a while ago. Thanks for listening!!!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Kiss the Cookbook #3 - Our favorites part 1

John and Jeni talk about some of their all-time favorite cookbooks including tomes on Jewish cuisine, charcuterie creation and easy ways to figure out ratios for cooking. Listen in to this part 1 for the beginning of what we hope will be an informing series. Thanks for listening. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

A Conversation with Jay Reifel, Author of A History of the World in Ten Dinners

John talks with Jay Reifel, co-author of the incredible book A History of the World in Ten Dinners. John and Jay talk about the book, which is part history book, part cookbook and all entertaining. From Garum and Laser (the plant) to cookbook poetry and historical chef's technical advancements they cover as much as they can. Tune in and find out about what it took to create the magical creature that is the Cockathrice and what exactly a Cockathrice is. Thanks for listening!!! 

Check out this episode!